BORA hansgrohe German Professional CyclingBand of Brothers

Tour of Flanders U19: Two GRENKE - Auto Eder riders finish in the top five

Kryštof Král at the Tour of Flanders 2024 (Photo: Maximilian Fries)

Kryštof Král took fourth place in the Belgian one-day classic, while Noah Lindholm Møller Andersen completed the strong team result by finishing fifth.

Few cycling races in the international calendar carry a name as resonant as the Tour of Flanders, a classic one-day race that has been held since 1913. Today, the “Ronde”, as locals call the event, ranks among the most famous bike races in the world. The U19 version of the Tour of Flanders also enjoys a correspondingly high status. Like the professional version, it features numerous cobblestone sections and short, steep climbs. An international field of participants reinforced the race’s high significance.

This year's edition, held on Sunday, spanned 128 kilometres around Oudenaarde. The race was characterised by numerous attacks from the start, with Belgian Aless De Bock and Dane Magnus Carstensen breaking away from the rest of the field, gaining a lead of nearly two minutes. Behind them, a sprint from the reduced main field took place, where the GRENKE - Auto Eder sprinters showed top form: Kryštof Král (Czech Republic) finished fourth, and Noah Lindholm Møller Andersen (Denmark) rounded off the strong team result for BORA - hansgrohe’s junior selection by finishing fifth.

The next race for the GRENKE - Auto Eder riders is the French race La Classique des Alpes Juniors on June 1st.

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“It’s really unfortunate to have missed the podium by just a few millimetres – there was definitely more potential. Nonetheless, I take a lot of confidence from this race. I felt very strong all day and was able to set the pace on the climbs. My form is really good right now.” – Kryštof Král

“The week before the Tour of Flanders, we held a team training camp in the area of our sponsor GRENKE, which had a very positive impact. After this camp, the athletes were in very good form. Unfortunately, we failed to be part of the decisive groups in yesterday’s race and missed the big win. Nevertheless, with Kryštof and Noah, we placed two riders in the top five, that’s why we can look forward to the upcoming races with optimism.“ – Dr Christian Schrot, Sports Director

Photo: Maximilian Fries